Free Download B612 Apk Versi Terbaru New Update 2016 - Selamat pagi para pengunjung dimanapun anda berada, terima kasih telah berkunjung ke situs sederhana kami. Kali ini kami akan membagikan review mengenai update aplikasi android versi terbaru yakni B612 Apk. B612 merupakan salah satu aplikasi Fotografi yang berkembang, dengan berbagai fitur yang cukup canggih. aplikasi ini memiliki fitur seperti mengambil gambar collage (kolase), editing foto, dll. aplikasi ini juga cukup booming apalagi di indonesia, untuk pemasangan aplikasi ini pada perangkat android mencapai 100 - 500juta pemasangan di google playstore, aplikasi ini dikembangkan oleh developer Line Corporations. Aplikasi ini menjadi pesaing ketat aplikasi Camera 360 yang sangat populer, merubah wajah kita, make over wajah kita 180% tanpa efek samping, gak usah operasi plastik, menghilangkan jerawat, dll tentunya hana tampilan saja ya. kalo aslinya ya tetep ada. mungkin ini refrensi bagi anda, yang sudah jenuh dengan aplikasi camera standart anda yang begitu2 saja. anda bisa beralih mengunakan aplikasi b612 ini.
B612 adalah sebuah aplikasi fotografi yang didesain khusus untuk swafoto. Dengan aplikasi ini Anda dapat menambahkan lusinan filter pada gambar sebelum membaginya lewat jejaring sosial favorit Anda. Secara total, B612 mempunyai lebih dari 50 jenis filter. Anda bisa memilih filter mana pun dengan cara menyapukan jari pada bagian bawah layar sehingga muncul sebuah gambar kecil yang akan menampilkan bagaimana efek filter pada gambar. Anda juga bisa hanya menyapukan jari di atas gambar untuk menambahkan filter secara acak.
Download dan pasang aplikasi fotografi yang satu ini gratis di smartphone anda, simak deskripsi singkatnya berikut ini.
Descriptions : There is new form B612 APK, it is variant 4.8.3. Is it accurate to say that you are doing selfie a ton until some of yer companions call you by the ruler of selfie? Well if that is the thing that your life is about, then you ought to possess this application to help you about your selfie desire. LINE as the one company that gives this application benefit obviously has gone over the edge about this application, making this application worth to get compliment as one of the best selfie application for android. There are some different determinations and components furnished into this application that will absolutely make you gesture, concurring of why this application called the best selfie application.
To get this application, you will be required to claim at any rate iOS arrangement no less than 4.0.3 negligibly, in light of the fact that the offices in this application is getting update again and again to take care of the demand for selfie photograph shot regardless of where and how you are. Aside of the component to snap the selfie photograph and selfie video record that can stand over six second, you claim some cool stuff by introducing this application.
The most famous elements of this b612 for Android is the mix sift that is working through to make you calm for discovering your most loved channel or rearranges the channel impact for your photograph. Also the vinyet office on this application photograph application that will give you the photograph result with the darkened edge. Furthermore, there is this Kolase photograph highlight that can help you make the 3 measurement photograph selfie. You can likewise share some of your photographs came about to all the online networking you must be enjoyed and seen by your companions out there by utilizing the offer element there.
To get this application, you will be required to claim at any rate iOS arrangement no less than 4.0.3 negligibly, in light of the fact that the offices in this application is getting update again and again to take care of the demand for selfie photograph shot regardless of where and how you are. Aside of the component to snap the selfie photograph and selfie video record that can stand over six second, you claim some cool stuff by introducing this application.
The most famous elements of this b612 for Android is the mix sift that is working through to make you calm for discovering your most loved channel or rearranges the channel impact for your photograph. Also the vinyet office on this application photograph application that will give you the photograph result with the darkened edge. Furthermore, there is this Kolase photograph highlight that can help you make the 3 measurement photograph selfie. You can likewise share some of your photographs came about to all the online networking you must be enjoyed and seen by your companions out there by utilizing the offer element there.
Features :
- Selfie videos
- Rear camera support
- Random filter
- Vignette
- Tilt-shift
- Collage shot
- Timer
- Selfie stick
- Share
Informations :
- Developer : LINE Corporation
- Version : 4.8.3
- Requirement : 4.0.3 and up
- Price : Free
What's New :
- Added 1 brand new filter. (Radiance)
Screenshot :
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Download B612 v4.8.3 Apk | Server 1
Download B612 v4.8.3 Apk | Server 2
Download B612 v4.8.3 Apk | Server 3