Download Battery Doctor (Battery Saver) Apk 5.23

Free Download Battery Doctor (Battery Saver) Apk 5.23 Versi Terbaru New Update 2016 - Selamat malam para pengunjung dimanapun anda berada, pada kesempatan kali ini kami akan membagikan informasi mengenai update aplikasi android versi terbaru yaitu Battery Doctor (Battery Saver) Apk. Aplikasi yang satu ini dikembangkan oleh pengembang Cheetah Mobile. Selain aplikasi Batery Doctoer ini banyak lagi yang lain yang di buat seperti : CM Browser, Clean Master CM Launcher dll. Battery Doctor ini memiliki fungsi yang hampir sama dengan Aplikasi Saver yang lain, yaitu mengoptimalkan kinerja battery, mengunakan daya battery secara efektif, mempercepat proses pengisian battery, dan banyak lagi yang lain. aplikasi ini tercatat untuk pemasangan aplikasi pada perangkat android mencapai 500juta pemasangan pada google playstore. tentu 500juta itu nilai yang cukup fantastis. 

Battery Doctor (Battery Saver) adalah aplikasi android yang berfungsi untuk mengoptimalkan kinerja baterai smartphone kita. aplikasi ini dibuat oleh Cheetah mobile, sebuah piranti penghemat baterai yang memberitahu anda perkiraan umur baterai seperti aplikasi yang serupa lainya, bisa membantu anda untuk meningkatkan (dalam beberapa kasus) durasinya.

Descriptions : The new Battery Doctor (Battery Saver) APK 5.23 is coming with better performance. Smart phone for many people recently becomes very important support for their daily life because various supports can be found from the smart phone from simple thing such as sending messages to playing various kinds of game. People cannot live in this modern world without the support from smart phone after all. They will check their smart phone time after time. With various functions which can be done using the smart phone, there is no question that the battery power of the smart phone becomes very important thing which should be considered. People should be able to manage their battery properly if they want to make sure that they can use the smart phone anytime they need it.

They need the app which can tell them about how much battery power which will be used by each app used by the smart phone. People also need the app which offers possibility for saving some battery power with simple changes. This function can be supported by battery doctor for Android but it is not the only support which people can find from this app because the overall battery health can be increased by charging process which is well timed.

Best battery practice can be found from this app after all. It will charge the device to certain percentage without letting the charging process under certain amount by using the cycles which are fewer. This app will also give example to users and then opportunities for the users to live with them. People will not get information about the percentage of the battery because this app will give information about how many minutes needed for finishing the charging process. People are able to get the tools which can explain and optimize the battery life of the smart phone. This app can provide peace of mind for people who cannot live without their smart phone.

Features :
  • Disable unnecessary apps that drain your battery!
  • Task Killer kills tasks with one click!
  • Kill apps when screen is off!
  • Accurate battery remaining time!
  • Accurate charging remaining time!
  • Schedule power saving modes for work/class/sleep and more!
  • Unique 3 Stage Charging system!
  • Wifi/Data/Bluetooth toggle!
  • Brightness control!
  • CPU Management (for rooted phones)!
  • Battery temperature!
  • Charging Tips!
  • 15 languages supported!
  • Simple easy-to-use interface!

What's New :
  • Improve notification bar: optimized power draining apps scanning
  • Known issues fixed
Apk Info :
  • Name : Battery Doctor (Battery Saver)
  • Category : Tools
  • Last Updated On : July 21, 2016
  • Game Size : 13M
  • Version of The Game: 5.23
  • Developer Firm : Cheetah Mobile
  • File Format : Apk
  • Requires Android: 2.3.3 and up
  • Total Installs: 100,000,000 +
  • Google Play Rating : 4.4 / 5

 Screenshot :

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